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Are We A Fit?

Please consider the following before committing to any of the programmes or courses.
I would like to invite you to take a few minutes, away from the rush and the daily chaos with a pen and a paper to reflect on the following points. If you don't feel that the following points are in alignment with what you are looking for, it is likely that we are not a fit or this is not not the right time for you. If you decide that this is not the right time for you, please subscribe to the mailing list and we can stay in touch. When it's the right time for you, you can always come back. If you decide that we are not a fit, I wish you all the best and hope that you would find the right person to work with. 
We are a perfect fit if you feel a wholehearted YES to the following areas:


Are you willing to consider the use of holistic approaches that are powerful in shifting beliefs yet may seem a bit unusual? I will guarantee that your safety comes first and there is absolutely no re-traumatisation. I will keep checking with you and we will stop immediately if you feel unsafe. Generally,  we work with beliefs and energy of particular memories and there are many ways of doing it safely.  
Are you able to have a little bit of rest after 1-2-1 sessions? Use of EFT or Matrix may make you feel a bit tired because it shifts negative energy. This is also a space where tears, expression of anger and all other emotions are welcome. You may feel a bit tired and need a bit of a respite after each session. Can you organise this?
Are you willing to actively commit to at least three months before calling it quits? I do offer a no-obligation subscription programme where you can leave anytime, however I recommend that you commit to at least 3 months to see results. 
Are you willing to apply what you learn in coaching sessions in your daily life?
Are you willing to change some of your old habits? This includes assessing  your parenting style and being flexible to adapt new ways of doing things.
Can you commit to doing some work in your own time like journaling/tapping etc?
Can you carve out a couple of hours for yourself during the week? 
We are neither a good fit nor it is the time for you if you resonate with the following.
You or your children are in immediate danger. Please call emergency services in your country and seek immediate support. If you are in immediate danger your priority is to ensure your safety and seek medical help if necessary. I will always be here when you are out of danger and ready to focus on more long-term healing. 
You need immediate results - Narcissistic abuse has many strands and aspects to carefully untangle. This takes time.
You don’t have space and time to engage in the work we do - If you think attending a 1-2-1 session is going to solve all your problems, this is not the space. Even though, during the sessions your energy and beliefs could shift greatly, you do have to take responsibility to do some homework too
You are using therapy/coaching as a coping mechanism - This may contradict you believing that this is your safe space and you can turn up and claim that space. As much as that’s true, if you are not willing to change (I know it can be scary!), I am not the person for you. There are other people who are happy to just listen to you. I only want to work with people who are craving for a change in their lives. 
You think holistic approaches are woo woo - If you don’t like woo woo, we can’t work together. Period! I won’t spend time convincing anyone that these approaches work. It has worked for thousands of people. It has worked for all of my clients in the past and it has worked for me. I believe in them. You don’t have to. However, if you are on the fence, there’s plenty of peer reviewed clinical research. Dr. Peta Stapleton, Dr. Dawson Church, Dr. Bruce Lipton and Dr. David Feinstein are good research points.
If you believe that you have the right to command your children and interfere with their identity because of your cultural and religious beliefs. You believe that you are entitled to know everything about your children because you gave birth to them, you feed them and you provide a roof over their head. I am sorry, that's now how I believe parenting works. However, if you have become aware of those beliefs are an obstacle to building a relationship with your children, I am open to having a conversation. 
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