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How To Break Free From Trauma Bonding Cycle.

If you feel like you are repeatedly attracting narcissists in your life, there's a reason why that may be happening. The question is NOT about whether we attract narcissists or not. But, whether we keep them in our lives or not. 
Learn why we keep them in our lives. 
Learn how to break free from these cycles.


26th of July 2023 @ 7.30pm - 9pm (BST)
How To Break Free From Trauma Bonding
​ I run a Group Coaching Call once a month, where you can bring your questions and we find realistic and achievable solutions by the end of the call. 
Call duration : 90 minutes
Cost - £30
Date: Last Wednesday of every month
This Month's Topic- How To Break Free From Trauma Bonding
What’s Included - A short video introducing Trauma Bonding + Downloadable Workbook + 90 minute call + Recording of the call with life time access.
I will share activities that you can do which will enable you to
- Recognize trauma bonding patterns
- What is the root cause of trauma bonding?
- How to break free from trauma bonding
- How do you know when you are free from trauma bonding
(Please note that you will need to continue to take the identified actions to be able to integrate what you learn during the call)
We will take on Co-Dependency in August. 
Who is this for?


  • You are co-parenting with a narcissistic partner or ex.
  • You have left or still in a relationship with a narcissistic partner.
  • You are looking to heal from narcissistic abuse.
Hello gorgeous, I am Nisanka. I am neither too clinical nor too spiritual. However, I do blend it all with a dash of woo woo and lived experiences to help you navigate one of the most difficult parenting scenarios in the world!

Can I tell you something that is not so much of a secret.

You can experience the most amazing relationship with your children that enables them to grow up into healthy adults whilst you achieve your goals and live a life on your own terms.

Most of my clients, when they connect with me via an enquiry call, express that they do not know what to do. For years, the narcissists in their lives have made them live in constant fear and confusion. I remind them that they have been so resourceful and it is the abuse that makes them feel this way. Some feel so exhausted from doing all the heavy lifting in the relationship as well as the parenting. Committing to healing feels overwhelming. They are already facing daily challenges of coping with punishments, baiting, hoovering imposed by the narcissistic partner that so much of their energy, time and money is spent on managing these day-to-day challenges which they wished weren’t there in the first place. 
I am sure most of you have already done plenty of research into narcissism. You may feel like you are an expert. Information may lead to healing but it isn’t healing. 
So, I have come up with a programme that enables you to take baby steps. Because, it is not the will power that will help you to get your life back. It is baby steps that you take every day that will help you to thrive. 
We are going to get together in a Group Coaching Call facilitated by me. At the end of the session you will have 
  • Identified one action to take and commit to
  • Learnt positive beliefs about you
  • Reduced the intensity of negative feelings
Are we a fit?
  • I use EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, NLP and Life Coaching as modalities.
  • I am a big fan of Dr. Gabor Mate, Dr. Bassel Van Der Kolk, Michaela Boehm, Diana Richardson, Anodonia Judith, Dr. Jo Dispenza, Esther Perel, Dr. Shefali (just to name a few). If you like their work, we will get on like a house on fire
  • I am a simpleton. So, no massive tech support, no big backgrounds and professionally edited videos etc.
  • I can guarantee the quality of work. I bring a lot of research to the table when I deliver something. 
  • I will own up to my own mistakes. 
  • I am intuitive. I may have a plan but I will usually follow what my participants need by tuning into the energy in the room
  • I will promise to check in with my own shadows whilst we work. 
  • Let's share a laugh, a joke and perhaps even a bit of swearing. 
You will only change your old habits and learn new skills by putting what we learn into daily practice. There's no magic pill or short cuts. 
If you think this Group Coaching call is going to benefit you and we are a fit, it would be great to see you.
(You can contact me via to arrange BACS transfer)
Disclaimer : The work we do is NOT a substitute to medical or legal intervention you may require. Please speak to your GP with regard to your mental and physical health. If you are in immediate danger, please contact the police. 

Your form is on its way!

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