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 Are you co-parenting with a narcissistic partner or an ex? 

I can help you co-parent with a narcissistic partner consistently and effectively preserving your sanity. You can support your children to thrive in their authentic selves whilst you ensure your well-being, goals and desires are met. 

Meditate at the beach
"It’s exhausting and it feels like a never ending uphill battle."
"The scariest part is knowing that 50% of the time my children are with the narcissist and I am not there to protect them"
"The sweetness of childhood has no chance with a narcissist. It's layers of hell"
"It's hard to be truthful and positive at the same time"
If you are in this space, and this does not feel like the right time to commit to a long-term programme, Pay What You Can Option may be right for you.
Once a month,  you can book a one hour coaching call with me on Pay What You Can basis to help you navigate this difficult journey.
You can choose from the sliding scales provided below to make a payment. Please bear in mind that there will be no judgement on the amount you pay. What matters is that we connect and we work together to resolve a burning issue.
Financially Stable.
Purchase regular break through session for a little less
(usual fee is £150) - £100
Under Some Financial Stress.
Use the code - CARE - £50
Worried About Food and Housing
Use the code - SUPPORT - £25
This is offered on a first comes first served basis.
No one is turned away. If you can't afford any of the above, please do let me know. I may be able to offer one space a month.
Here’s the procedure


  • Book a call using the link
  • Choose from three different options to pay
  • Complete the form 
  • Attend the call
Being left to raise children on your own whilst the narcissistic parent counter parent is not an easy journey. There are unpredictable hurdles along the way. You are left sandwiched between your children’s well-being and your own well-being whilst continuously facing unimaginable abuse from the narcissistic partner, even after separation. 
Sometimes, all you need is a safe space for you to be able to off load, figure out why you feel the way you feel, get some practical advice and mostly have your emotions validated. 
You may not be in a space to commit to a programme yet. There’s something called feeling ready to commit to a programme. It’s absolutely fine that you are not in this space yet for whatever the reason. 
However, you would still like some help from time to time. 
To find a centre, a feeling of calmness in those moments is essential in order for us to face the troubles at hand. However, we can’t see the wood for its trees because we are too close to it
That’s when we often wished that we had someone to help us. The problem is there are many enablers out there who will make your suffering worse. Trust me, I once asked for help  because I was struggling and I was told “well, you chose to leave a good person, you might as well deal with it!!”. I am pretty sure that you have experienced some similar things. 
Narcissistic abuse is not something that many people get.
If you happen to be in one of those situations where you don’t know where to turn to and it’s not the time to commit to deeper healing, book a Pay What You Can coaching call.

I promise you, this is not a racket to trap you in a package. You can book a call, take part in the call and then you can pay what you can to my business account. It is as simple as that. And I trust that you will pay.
There’s no pitching at the end of the call. I will share my individual programme and upcoming events with you and there’s no pressure to buy any of that.  
Common struggles of co-parenting with a narcissistic partner or ex partner are,
  • They still find a way to control you
  • They will bait you and then accuse you of being a narcissist or benign abusive. You would like to find a way to resist this baiting.
  • Gaslighting continues even after separation
  • You are left feeling exhausted and trapped between child-care and wanting to get their life back
  • You may be facing a shrinking social life as they are left to raise children on their own 
  • You are struggling to maintain your relationship with your children
  • Find help with losing weight as gaining weight is a common phenomena due to comfort eating
  • Children are showing signs of anxiety, stress and withdrawal and you are struggling to help them
  • You would like to find ways to communicate with the narcissist
  • You simply need a space for you where you can be heard and validated
None of the above are an exclusive list. There are many day-to-day challenges that sprung on us and they leave us spinning sometimes. 
I will send you a few questions to get some clarity before the call. You can let me know if you would like me to help you with,
  • Mentoring
  • Coaching
  • EFT tapping
  • Listening
  • Talking through something
Or a combination of all of them.
We can both commit to having a realistic expectation of an hour’s call. 

I trust that you will respect my time and attend the call. Life happens and if you would like to cancel, please let me know at least 24 hours in advance. 

If you keep cancelling and not respecting the trust that I have put on  you, I am afraid, I won’t let you continue with the PWYC option. 

Following are some Free resources for you to download. I strongly suggest that you download the Co-parenting e-book.

E-book - Co-parenting with a Narcissist

Workshop - How to Communicate with a Narcissist

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