Looking into the space
With blank eyes
That reflected the blank soul
I knew all was lost
Convention dictates
To be married
To be employed
To be wealthy
To be a grown up
Married I was not
Money I had none
A job I searched none
Health, well that was gone
All was lost,
So it seemed
So they said
So I believed
Space, I had plenty
Pain, too heavy to carry
Vision, well only a blurred one
A life, only a feeble one
Then, it occurred to me.
It was me
That I had lost
In pursuit of everything else.
Second by second
Minute by minute
Through the rubbles
Through the thorny bushes
I climbed a mountain of pain
It was lonely at times
It was joyous many times
It was tiring
Oh well, that doesn't last!
At last,
I came home
To an abandoned one.
Ruins of my home
Treasured the graffiti of my spells
The one that my soul
Had written when she was wild
It’s my home
The one I was meant to be in
I am a little tired
So I rest
With the peaceful thought
And a smile on the lips
When all is lost, then all is found.
Nisanka MW.
(The title inspired by the the 2019 movie Frozen song)